Specialized in technology and law, with extensive practice in the private sector
Specialized in technology and law, with vast experience in the private sector.
Lawyer graduated from the University of Buenos Aires (2007). Earned a Master Degree in Business Law (2015) from the University of San Andrés and also holds a Master Degree in Intellectual Property and Innovation from the University of San Andrés (2018).
Currently, she is a researcher and member of the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory of the Center for Studies in Technology and Society (CETyS). Professor of the subject "Technological business" and Lecturer in the course "Legal Regime of Internet" of the Degree in Specialization in Computer Law, both at the UBA and Professor of the subject "Economic and Legal Aspects of the Web" of the Degree in Digital and Interactive Communication of the UCA.
Prior to founding the Maryva law firm, she worked in the public / private sphere. She acted as legal and public policy advisor in the National Directorate of Internet Policies and Development under the orbit of the Ministry of Modernization; Partner of Techlawbiz, legal firm specialized in business and computer law and senior lawyer at the Law Buffet Carranza Torres & Asociados, specialized in intellectual property. As part of the services rendered at the law firm, she worked at Mercado Libre as an in-house lawyer in the area of litigation and consumer defense.
She has published a series of articles on electronic commerce, software, intellectual property and consumer protection in the digital economy.

Specialized in Intellectual and Industrial Property, graduated from the School of Law and Social Sciences of the University of Belgrano, he completed the Industrial Property postgraduate course as a Strategic Business Management Tool at the Pompeau Fabra University in Barcelona, as well as postgraduate degrees in Law Update of Author and Related Rights at the University of Buenos Aires.
Industrial Property Agent of the National Institute of Industrial Property since 2009.
Prior to founding Maryva legal firm, he joined the Carranza Torres & Asociados Law Buffet for three years as a Partner, leading the Intellectual Property area.
Professor on "Legal Regime of Software" - Postgraduate Specialization Cryptography and Computer Security - Computer Forensics at the Institute of Higher Education of the Army (IESE). Professor postgraduate dictation of Specialization in High Technology Law at the Catholic University of Buenos Aires.
He has attended different courses, conferences and congresses of business and information law, and has published several articles related to his fields of expertise.